FZI Live
Center for Future-Oriented Mobility Development
Karlsruhe Mobility Lab at the Annual POLIS Conference
Once again, the stakeholders of the Karlsruhe Mobility Region are pooling their expertise in the Karlsruhe Mobility Lab and jointly present themselves at the Annual POLIS Conference, which takes place from November 27 to 28, 2024, at the Messe Karlsruhe. At the joint stand in the dm-arena, the partners will present their projects – from traffic modeling and traffic planning solutions, a travel assistance system for disabled passengers, a platform of the state of Baden-Württemberg for bundling mobility data, to bicycle traffic concepts and solutions for automated and autonomous driving. With its joint stand, the Karlsruhe Mobility Lab presents future-oriented mobility concepts and related initiatives.
The FZI Research Center for Information Technology invites visitors to experience the future of autonomous driving first hand. A virtual environment enables a seamless transition between the exhibition hall and public space to realistically simulate the use of the FZI-Shuttles and demonstrate various scenarios. This on-site demonstration is complemented by a tour through the Test Area Autonomous Driving Baden-Württemberg (TAF BW).
The Karlsruhe Mobility Lab, managed by the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK), represents a unique ecosystem in which science, business, the public sector, and innovative transport companies work hand in hand. Together, they develop interdisciplinary solutions for the mobile world of tomorrow. These are put into practice, analyzed and tested with citizens. Through its partners, the Lab is a globally recognized center for the development of intelligent concepts for future urban and regional mobility. “A major focus of the Karlsruhe Mobility Lab is on the evolution of public transport and the development of new mobility concepts,” explains Jochen Ehlgötz, CEO of TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH. “Researchers from the region are contributing significantly to the mobility transition worldwide. The Karlsruhe Mobility and TechnologyRegion can truly be called a pioneer in the development of sustainable mobility. The Annual POLIS Conference provides the ideal platform to share these innovative approaches with cities and municipalities.”
The partners of the Karlsruhe Mobility Lab are contributing numerous exciting lectures and project insights to the official conference program of the Annual POLIS Conference. The full program and further information can be found online at: https://www.polisnetwork.eu/2024-annual-polis-conference/
Note on the event: