Prof. Dr. iur. Oliver Raabe
Scientific Director
Innovation, Strategy and Transfer
Oliver Raabe is the head of the “Information Law for Technical Systems and Legal Informatics” research group at KIT and has been involved in the legal evaluation of complex ICT infrastructures since 2000. He focuses on IT security, data protection, and evidence law in distributed infrastructures. In each case, application-oriented and with special reference to energy and telemedia law. Prof. Dr. iur. He also provides regulatory advice in these fields. In addition, Oliver Raabe studies the technical modeling of legal norms and principles for automated support of legal compliance in business process and software development.
- raabe@fzi.de
- Headquarters Karlsruhe
Engagements and Awards
- Head of the Legal Framework specialist group within the BMWI Smart Data accompanying research
- CEN CENELEC ETSI – Smart Grid Coordination Group “Smart Grid Information Security, Data Protection and Privacy”
- Member of the “Data” specialist group in the D-A-CH Smart Grid Taskforce