Prof. Dr. Bernhard Beckert
Scientific Director
Software Engineering
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Beckert is Dean of the KIT Department of Informatics and leads the Research Group for Application-Oriented Formal Verification at the KIT Institute of Information Security and Dependability (KASTEL). of the KIT. He received his PhD in 1998 and was professor at the University of Koblenz-Landau for Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence until 2009. Since 2009, he then headed the Chair for Application-Oriented Formal Verification in Karlsruhe, which at that time was part of the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (ITI).
Bernhard Beckert is concerned with the practical application of formal, logic-based methods for the specification, verification, and analysis of software to increase the reliability and security of critical systems.
The focus of his research is particularly on the application areas:
- Verification of functional properties and software reliability
- Verification of relational properties and software evolution
- Verification of information flow properties and IT security
- Verification of social choice algorithms and voting methods
- beckert@fzi.de
- Headquarters Karlsruhe