An AI Dashboard Helping Youth Uncover Online Disinformation
Start: 07/2020
Ende: 06/2023
In order to master the energy transition, not only technically possible but also economically profitable and safe innovations are required. SynergieQuartier Walldorf researches and evaluates – as a continuation of the Living Lab Walldorf – the next expansion stage of the energy transition on a local scale, involving the key players and technologies. Based on the smart meter gateway architecture and the regulatory framework for communication between energy industry players and technical systems, possibilities for the resilient design of information and payment flows are to be studied in order to integrate decentralized electricity into our power grids most effectively.
The intelligent use of ICT makes it possible to expand and operate the grids in a targeted and cost-efficient manner with regard to additional loads from electromobility and sector coupling. Energy service providers thus benefit from product innovations and cost reductions, legislators receive valid recommendations for action, and the general public experiences effective participation in the energy transition.
In this context, the FZI focuses on communication and optimization processes, IT security and efficient algorithms, as well as regulatory issues. In addition, the FZI acts as consortium leader of the joint project.
The research focus Climate Action Innovation aims to actively promote climate protection and create sustainable solutions in energy, mobility, production, and supply and disposal via IT innovations. Security aspects of the solutions are considered from the very onset.
Funding notice:
The SynergieQuartier project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) within the framework of the energy research program “Innovation for the Energy transition” – real laboratories of energy transition.
Project partners:
An AI Dashboard Helping Youth Uncover Online Disinformation
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