An AI Dashboard Helping Youth Uncover Online Disinformation
Start: 10/2017
End: 12/2021
Software systems in industrial manufacturing constantly face new challenges, such as those arising from Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. At the same time, industrial standards for functional safety require holistic protection concepts that safeguard the entire automation solution as well as individual components and subsystems.
The SAFE4I project provides a partially automated, model-based development process to accelerate the design of functionally safe software while reducing development efforts. The solution provides a strict separation between the application-specific software functionality and the software safety measures. The provided process automatically combines these two views and generates safe software. In addition, the framework offers the potential for the realization of customer-specific automation solutions. SAFE4I is therefore a quality and cost lever for end users as well as for component and tool suppliers.
The FZI adopted the SAFE4I methodology for a UML/SysML-based design flow. This includes a tooling framework for template-based modeling of safety mechanisms, model-to-model transformations for automated integration of safety mechanisms, and generation of the final safe software.
At the heart of the methodology is the Universal Safety Format (USF), which facilitates the introduction of safety mechanisms regardless of the system specification format like source code or UML models. This enables the generalization of the specification and the integration of safety mechanisms along the design process, thereby increasing reusability as well as significantly reducing development efforts.
In this research focus, the FZI investigates and conveys innovative concepts, methods for protecting IT systems, and legal framework conditions to enable secure digitalization.
Funding notice:
The SAFE4I project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Project partners:
An AI Dashboard Helping Youth Uncover Online Disinformation
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