Research Projects


Innovation and Security

Start: 12/2022

End: 06/2024

Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises will fundamentally change over the next few years. Significant progress is expected in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods for spotting attacks and the automated detection of security vulnerabilities.

At the same time, attacks on AI create new risks for companies wishing to use this essential technology in their products.

On top of that, groundbreaking progress in quantum computing poses an entirely new threat scenario to companies’ security. Over the next few years, many of the current cryptographic methods will be replaced by new post-quantum safe methods to ensure data safety.

As part of the InnoSecBW project, we support companies from Baden-Württemberg with the offering formats Cybersecurity-Checkup and Cybersecurity-Booster. We point out IT infrastructure risks and help identify innovative technologies for data protection.


PD (Private Lecturer) Dr. Ingmar Baumgart

Division Manager
Division: Cybersecurity and Law

Research Focus

Safety, Security and the Law

In this research focus, the FZI prioritizes the topics of resilience for critical infrastructures, managing security, legal tech, and (post-)quantum cryptography and also deals with the mutual influence of Artificial Intelligence and safety and security.

Funding notice:

The InnoSecBW project is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism.

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