Research Projects


Automated Modelling, Analysis and State Estimation via Intelligent Network Algorithms and Graph Methods

Start: 10.2024

End: 09.2027

The energy transition presents electricity grid operators with significant challenges, mainly due to the large-scale integration of PV systems, battery storage systems, heat pumps, and charging infrastructure into the electricity distribution grid. Digital twins of electricity grids can help to overcome these challenges.

In the AMAZING project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the FZI investigates AI-based processes that derive and calibrate highly automated digital twins of electricity grids from various data sources of the electricity grid operators. The practical added value of the generated digital twins is being tested using several energy industry use cases and implemented at the five electricity grid operators involved in the project. This will ensure the practical relevance of the project results for future digitalized electricity grid operations. At the same time, the research results can be demonstrated in practice and used as a blueprint for widespread use.


David Wölfle

Research Scientist
Division: Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering

Research focus

Climate Action Innovation

The research focus Climate Action Innovation aims to actively promote climate protection and create sustainable solutions in energy, mobility, production, and supply and disposal via IT innovations. Security aspects of the solutions are considered from the very onset.

Applied Artificial Intelligence

In this research focus, the FZI concentrates on practical research into the key technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Innovative AI solutions are developed and transferred to application areas such as mobility, robotics, healthcare technology, logistics, production, and supply and disposal on behalf of our partners and customers.

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