Forum Generative AI – 2:00 p.m.
Generative KI zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik: Wer steht auf der Bremse?
The forum will shed light on the status quo of Germany and Europe in the global competition for generative AI. The discussion will focus on the factors inhibiting development and the questions: Is AI research adequately innovative and practice-oriented? Is the economy unwilling to take risks, or is there insufficient capital? Do regulatory requirements constitute an inhibiting factor? The focus is on questions concerning the balance between innovation and control, competition with the USA and Asia, and possible course-setting for the new German government.
Stefan Otten, Division Manager ESS
Informationen on this keynote speech coming soon …
Informationen on this keynote speech coming soon …
Informationen on this keynote speech coming soon …
Informationen on this keynote speech coming soon …
Room New York
Workshop Generative AI – 10:30 a.m.
KI zum Laufen bringen: Wie Sie die richtigen KI-Use-Cases aufspüren und Implementierungshürden überwinden
Everyone is talking about AI, but in many German companies, it is not yet sufficiently implemented. In this workshop, we want to look at the obstacles involved in realizing AI projects together with you and discuss possible solutions. We will then develop and evaluate AI use cases for your company together.
Alexander Dregger, IST
Room Hollywood