FZI Living Labs

FZI Living Lab Industrial Intelligence

The industry of tomorrow

The FZI Living Lab Intelligence is a research laboratory specializing in developing and exploring intelligent systems in an industrial context. The lab provides a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration with partners from research and industry to develop new technologies in automation, production, logistics, and industrial mobility.

The focus of our research is on the following topics:

  • Model-based control: precise physical models, optimization methods, and shared-control approaches
  • Industrial Internet of Things: machine connectivity and data analysis
  • Robotics: Stiffness and trajectory optimization supported by artificial intelligence methods.
  • Industrial Artificial Intelligence: Data-driven methods with attention to the protection of sensitive information (for example, Federated Learning).
  • Machine Learning Operations: Lifecycle-based consideration of Artificial Intelligence for sustainable integration in the production environment, using established DevOps principles.
  • Edge & Fog Computing: Secure, Scalable and Robust Software and Hardware Platforms
  • Digital twin: product lifecycle management, visualization in 3D & virtual reality, process simulation and optimization
  • Platform-flexible visualization: adaptation of (partially) immersive visualization applications to different processing resources

Our equipment

  • Autonomous micromobiles (two different cargo bikes) with extensive high-end environmental sensor technology.
  • Processing and playback hardware for development and testing of virtual reality applications
  • Self-service Apache Stream Pipes (incubating) toolbox for easy data connectivity, analysis and exploration for the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Use cases for simplified deployment of edge / edge cloud / fog computing technologies, such as Fogsy.io
  • Demonstrators for the evaluation of shared-control and force-feedback applications
  • Numerous other technologies that are used in research and development work

Additional Information

FZI wins the challenge KI-Champions Baden-Württemberg with Apache StreamPipes

Your contact person

Further FZI Living Labs

FZI Living Lab
FZI Living Lab Future Mobility

Where the mobility concepts of the future are developed


FZI Living Lab
Security and Law

IT security between legal issues and the Internet of Things


FZI Living Lab
Service Robotics

Next-generation robots – at home, in production, in outer space


FZI Living Lab

Intelligent solutions for tomorrow’s energy system


FZI Living Lab
Healthcare Innovation

Innovative solutions for healthy living and efficient, digital healthcare


FZI Living Lab
Software Innovations

Innovations by and for software engineering
