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Cybersecurity and Law

Marek Wehmer

Profile Marek Wehmer Back to the overview Marek Wehmer Vice Department Manager Cybersecurity and Law Marek Wehmer is a research scientist at FZI since 2017 and vice department manager since 2023. He is doing research on security testing and automotive security, focussing on Vehicle-to-X communication systems. Marek Wehmer is Offensive


Antonio Scaduto

Profile Antonio Scaduto Back to the overview Antonio Scaduto Staff Cybersecurity and Law Antonio Scaduto studied law at the University of Konstanz and the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg im Breisgau with a focus on "Intellectual Property" and completed his legal clerkship at the District Court of Karlsruhe. He has been working


Matthias Börsig

Profile Matthias Börsig Back to the overview Matthias Börsig Staff Cybersecurity and Law Matthias Börsig completed his bachelor's degree in computer science, specialising in IT security, at Aalen University of Applied Sciences (HTW Aalen). He then completed his Master's degree in Computer Science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),


Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Baumgart

Profile Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Baumgart Back to the overview Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Baumgart Division Manager Cybersecurity and Law PD Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Baumgart leitet das Kompetenzzentrum IT-Sicherheit am FZI. Zuvor studierte er Informatik an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) mit den Schwerpunkten Kryptographie, Telematik und Recht. Nach Abschluss seines Studiums im Jahr 2005 hat


Dr. Dirk Achenbach

Profile Dr. Dirk Achenbach Back to the overview Dr. Dirk Achenbach Division Manager Cybersecurity and Law Dirk Achenbach heads the research division Cybersecurity and Law at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology. Following his studies at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the computer scientist conducted research in the


Maria Rill

Profile Maria Rill Back to the overview Maria Rill Department Manager Cybersecurity and Law Maria Rill has been working as a research assistant at the FZI since 2016. Since 2018, she has been working in the theamtic field law of the IT Security Competence Center. She has been responsible for


Niklas Goerke

Profile Niklas Goerke Back to the overview Niklas Goerke Department Manager Cybersecurity and Law Niklas Goerke received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Informatics from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) where he focused on cryptography and telematics. He is a research scientist at FZI since 2018 and department manager since


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