Research Projects


Safe use of automated shuttle vehicles in urban traffic through supporting infrastructure networking

Start: 07/2022

End: 06/2025

The main goals of the project Shuttle2X lies within the research, expansion and testing of automated vehicles safety within an intelligent urban transportation environment. A particular focus is on the use of intelligent infrastructure and its integration into highly automated driving functions.

Accompanying the development of a hybrid system concept to support the driving function, another focus is on developing and operating of three different target areas around the Test Area Autonomous Driving Baden-Württemberg (TAF BW), taking into account open standards, modularity and data security as well as the current and future legal framework.

In terms of content, the FZI contributes primarily to the development and integration of infrastructure-supported object recognition and autonomous driving functions as well as system monitoring. In addition to technical issues, it also deals with legal aspects, such as the role of data protection in the field of autonomous driving. The FZI is also responsible for the Karlsruhe target area.

Apart from the components required for the interconnection, the test routes are to be equipped with further infrastructure such as traffic lights or digital road signs for the purpose of on-demand traffic control. The aim of the project is increasing functional safety to enable robust, self-driving vehicle operation and thus, in perspective, contributing to replacing the safety driver. Another goal is to create the technical basis and derive measures for autonomous vehicle operation on complex urban driving routes – in an increased speed range of more than 20 km/h. Furthermore, the availability of highly automated vehicles is to be increased to expand the operating range and potential applications of such vehicles through intelligent infrastructures. High traffic density, no designated lanes, and interaction-requiring scenarios can be handled this way. To reliably integrate the intelligent infrastructure, Car2X functions will be developed using a hybrid system concept that considers functional safety requirements.


Marc Zofka

Department Manager
Division: Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering

Research focus

Intelligent Transportation Systems and Logistics

Smart solutions for the transportation of people and goods are a focus of FZI research to shape mobility in the future. To this end, the FZI develops integrated mobility systems – from vehicle automation and the application of AI in traffic systems to urban mobility and logistics.

Safety, Security and the Law

In this research focus, the FZI investigates and conveys innovative concepts, methods for protecting IT systems, and legal framework conditions to enable secure digitalization.

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