Application Field

Supply and Disposal

Towards a stable and sustainable supply of water, heat, and energy as well as problem solutions for waste disposal

Recognizing and exploiting the potential of renewable energies is the key to a sustainable energy system. The scientists at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology are researching new methods and technologies that contribute to this effort. The goal is to keep the power supply stable and to guarantee the supply in the long term, especially in times of widespread renewable energies use. A holistic approach to issues like decentralized energy management and the prototypical implementation of solutions into real systems are distinctive energy research at FZI. Topics such as hardware control, optimization and forecasting algorithms, the design of flexibility markets, energy system architectures for decentralized self-organization, or the design of sustainable regulation are the main focus at the FZI.

For example, the FZI is refining the quota-based grid traffic light concept for practical use. In the context of the current energy transition, the intelligent networking of technical elements and market mechanisms across all sectors is a key challenge. The FZI is working on projects that are helping to shape the energy transition in a sustainable way and to contribute to a continuous circular economy.

For the supply side, the FZI is contributing to a deeper understanding of the newly grown diversity, the comprehensive participation, and the great complexity
with short reaction times. It thereby ensures the efficient transformation towards an infrastructure for the distribution and storage of energy.

In the field of disposal, the FZI contributes to hazard protection and sustainable decontamination as well as disposal through innovative robotic systems, technologies and methods. Contaminated areas require technologies that protect both the population and emergency responders from hazards. Robotic systems developed in the FZI’s research projects can be used for this purpose, among others, and contribute to relieving the environment by removing contamination.

Research projects from the application field


Fabian Kern

Department Manager
Division: Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering

Tristan Schnell

Department Manager
Division: Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering

Our application fields





Supply and Disposal

Supply and Disposal

Buildings and Public Space

Buildings and Public Space

Services and Commerce

Services and Commerce