FZI Friends' Association

Voluntarily committed

Förderverein Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe e.V.

Industry-related research institutions like the FZI maintain particularly intensive contacts with companies in cooperating industries as part of their industrial projects. To improve the integration of the FZI beyond these project-related contacts into the industries nationwide and regionally into the general economic activities, the Förderverein Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe e.V. (FZI Friends’ Association) was established in 1984 by 26 founding members. Today, the association has about 80 members.

The FZI Friends’ Association is a network of companies and other organizations with legal capacity that want to use modern information technologies. To this end, they maintain contact with each other and with the FZI and support the work of the research institution.

You can download the statutes and contribution rules of the Friends’ Association as a PDF.
Your contact person
for the FZI Friends' Association

Dorothee Mathes




The FZI Friends' Association...

  • advises research divisions on long-term issues of practical interest.
  • provides targeted funding for particularly promising scientific projects.
  • promotes the transfer of research results into industrial practice.
  • supports the development of new, current research divisions.
  • elects the members listed in the FZI statutes to the FZI Board of Trustees.
The FZI maintains contact with its members in working groups. The events organized by the Friends’ Association several times a year offer members the opportunity to stay informed about current research topics and to cultivate industry-relevant networks. Training courses and seminars are available preferentially at favorable rates. Guest fellowships for employees of member companies at the FZI and vice versa are being promoted.

Board of Executive Directors

Oliver Winzenried


Dr. Klaus Wiegand

Vice Chairman and Treasurer
Fördervereinsvorstand Dr. habil. Christian Förster

Dr. habil. Christian Förster

Secretary and Vice Chairman

You would like to join the FZI Friends’ Association?

Then please send the completed application form to:

Förderverein Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe e.V. 

c/o FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

FAO Dorothee Mathes

Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14

76131 Karlsruhe
