Successful Defense against Cyberattacks
CYBERsicher Notfallhilfe for medium-sized companies now online
Research Focus: Safety, Security and Law
Germany’s small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups, and craft enterprises now have more support available in the event of a cyberattack. The Transfer Centre for Cybersecurity in SMEs has developed a tool called CYBERsicher Notfallhilfe (CYBERsecure emergency assistance) that initially helps companies assess the incident and contact available service providers in a specific emergency.
“With this platform, we are creating real added value for small and medium-sized companies. In the event of an incident, it is crucial to get the right support without cumbersome detours – and that is exactly what our platform does,” explains Dirk Achenbach, project manager for Cyberattack Detection and Response at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe, a specialist partner.
The CYBERsicher Notfallhilfe service is available to all small and medium-sized companies throughout Germany. By entering their information, users can execute an online self-check and receive an initial assessment of whether they are experiencing an IT security incident that requires support. If users need professional support, they can submit an anonymous request for help. After the feedback from immediately available IT service providers the users can make contact to the latter. At the same time, they receive a tailored overview of public contact points such as the ZAC, the Zentrale Ansprechstellen Cybercrime (central contact points for cybercrime) of the federal and state police forces.
Qualified IT service providers interested in the CYBERsicher Notfallhilfe can contact the Transfer Centre for Cybersecurity in SMEs to arrange an introductory meeting with the FZI Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe.
The CYBERsicher Notfallhilfe is available under
About the Transfer Centre for Cybersecurity in SMEs
The aim of the funded project is to improve the cybersecurity level of small and medium-sized companies, craft businesses, and start-ups for a secure digital transformation through prevention, detection and response. The level of cybersecurity in medium-sized companies is improved and the resilience of companies strengthened through information and qualification formats, numerous events nationwide, a detection and response platform for cyberattacks, and a broad network of partners. The project is run by Der Mittelstand, BVMW e.V., FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Leibniz University Hannover – Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education, and tti Technologietransfer und Innovationsförderung Magdeburg GmbH. More information under
With the Mittelstand-Digital centers and the IT security initiative for companies, the Mittelstand-Digital network offers comprehensive support for digitalization. Small and medium-sized companies benefit from specific practical examples and tailor-made, provider-neutral offers for qualification and IT security. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action enables the free use of the Mittelstand-Digital offers. More information under
About the association Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V.
With around 28,000 full members, BVMW e.V. is the largest politically independent and cross-industry interest group for small and medium-sized businesses in Germany. As part of the SME Alliance, the association also represents more than 30 medium-sized associations with a total of 900,000 members.
About the FZI
The FZI Research Center for Information Technology, with headquarters in Karlsruhe and a branch office in Berlin, is a non-profit institution for information technology application research and technology transfer. It delivers the latest scientific findings in information technology to companies and public institutions and qualifies individuals for academic and business careers or the leap into self-employment. Supervised by professors from various faculties, the research groups at the FZI develop interdisciplinary concepts, software, hardware and system solutions for their clients and implement the solutions found as prototypes. The FZI House of Living Labs provides a unique research environment for application research. The FZI is an innovation partner of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and strategic partner of the German Informatics Society (GI).
This press release was taken from Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V.

Press contact
Johanna Baldus
Project Manager, Press and Public Relations
Der Mittelstand, BVMW e.V.
- Der Mittelstand, BVMW e.V. Bundeszentrale Potsdamer Straße 7 | Potsdamer Platz 10785 Berlin
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