Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Der Forschungsbereich Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering entwickelt und erprobt Methoden, Werkzeuge und Entwurfsverfahren zur Realisierung softwarebetriebener technischer Systeme in den Bereichen Mikroelektronik, verteilte eingebettete Systeme, autonome kognitive Systeme, intelligente Assistenzsysteme, Entwicklung von Service-Robotern, Informationsmanagement in der Produktentstehung sowie integriertes Energiemanagement.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Deml
Direktorium, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Dillmann
Direktorium, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Neumann
Direktorium, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Jivka Ovtcharova
Direktorium, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Arne Rönnau
Direktorium, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmeck
Direktorium, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Stiller
Direktorium, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Marius Zöllner
Direktorium, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Vorstand
Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Viehl
Bereichsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Jana Deckers
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Fabian Kern
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Reiter
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Ömer Sahin Tas
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Albert Schotschneider
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Niklas Spielbauer
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Christian Eichmann
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Dr.-Ing. Janek Bender
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Tobias Riedel
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Mischa Ahrens
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Sven Ochs
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Tobias Fleck
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Ariane Heling
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Maximilian Zipfl
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Svetlana Pavlitska
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Mine Felder
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Daniel Bogdoll
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Daniel Grimm
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
David Wölfle
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Stefan Orf
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Abhishek Vivekanandan
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Carsten Plasberg
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
David Timmermann
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Frederik Haxel
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Frank Bieder
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Anton Paule
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Marc Heinrich
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Königshof
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Matthias Jaenicke
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Chenwei Sun
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Dr.-Ing. Georg Heppner
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Marc Zofka
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Federico Peccia
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Tristan Schnell
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Philip Schörner
Abteilungsleitung, Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering
Marc Uecker
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Patrick Schulz
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Martin Trat
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
David Oberacker
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Johannes Mangler
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Melih Yazgan
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Robert Wilbrandt
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Dr. rer. nat. Genessis Perez Rivera
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
David Knothe
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Kevin Rösch
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Nilesh Hampiholi
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Richard Fehler
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Julian Truetsch
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Pascal Zwick
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Fabian Immel
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Elias Hofele
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Julian Burger
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Dr. rer. nat. Jan Novacek
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Dr. Mihai Kocsis
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Max Nagy
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in
Dr.-Ing. Sofie Ehrhardt
Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering, Mitarbeiter*in